Friday, September 17, 2010

WOW service from manager of Cheese Cake Factory, Tomang

Begitu melihat balon udara Cheese Cake Factory berkibar di depan sebuah gedung berlapis kaca, saya dan pasangan saya langsung berniat untuk ke sana dan mencoba cheese cake-nya yang terkenal lezat itu.
Setelah hampir sebulan buka, baru malam ini, Minggu, 29 November 2009 saya dan pasangan berkesempatan pergi ke sana. Yah, mumpung masih diskon 20%, hihi. Ambience restoran ini memang terkesan elegan dan mewah. Harganya juga cukup premium. Namun hal itu tak menyurutkan keinginan kami untuk mencicipi makanan di sana. Setelah menunggu sekitar 3 menit, seorang pelayan membawa kami ke lantai 2, tepatnya di teras. Suasananya cukup enak, apalagi Jakarta yang baru dibilas air hujan memberikan udara segar untuk kami yang duduk di tempat yang semi outdoor.

The Power of ‘Complaining’

Okay, I must admit it. People who are close to me know this nickname of mine. Miss Complain. Yeah, you got it right. It’s not that I complain most of times, really! I’m not that boner! *denial*
I prefer to see myself as a justice-upholder. Yeah! I mean, I can’t stand injustice in any form that happens before my eyes. Back to my senior high time, there was this popular girl vs unpopular girl thingy. Long story short, the it-girl shoved off the non-it girl without apologizing. Few days later, I posted a story on our school bulletin board, and yes, it told a story about a snobbish-it-girl who was being rude. That it-girl of our senior high school stormed off the class with tears on her cheeks after reading that story. Well, I was kinda feeling guilty that time tho’.